Writing Term 4

I am learning to: write a description of an animal.

What I need is: 
Describing words
What the animal is
What the animal looks like
What the animal does

Gerald the giraffe is yellow with brown dots. He is tall and he has four stretchy legs. Gerald the giraffe is an amazing dancer. He is the best dancer. He has orange spots.

Written and typed by Joshua Lawrence

Discovery Term 4

We are learning to engage in positive relationships with others and focus on developing the key competencies:
Managing self
Using language, symbols and text
Participating and contributing 
Relating to others

Student reflection from a Discovery session:  We were making mountains and I asked if we could connect them together. We did and this is showing Active Thinking.    

Dance Term 4

We are learning to: express ourselves creatively through dance.

To be successful we need to:
  • Learn the specific steps to the dance
  • Keep in time to the music
  • Follow instructions
  • Try our best

Click on the link below of Room 21 and 2 practising together: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wj-Pu1_gsk&safe=active

Music Term 4

We are learning to: recognise different sections of music and respond through singing, moving, playing and creating.

To be successful we need to:
  • Listen carefully to the music
  • Move as directed by the words in the song
  • Sing as we move

Click on the link below: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgQ1_GEC8ZM

Gymnastics Term 3

We are learning to: do a pencil roll.

To be successful we need to: put our arms above our head, have our hands palm to palm, our legs together and keep our bodies as straight as we can.

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Maths Term 3

Click on the link below:


I am learning to: Count on and back to solve problems within 20.

Success Criteria: Start from the bigger number and count on or back to solve problems. Solve these in my head or use a number line to help me.

Reading Term 3

Teacher question: What do good readers do?

Student’s response: They sound out and read smoothly. If they get stuck on a word they come back to it.

Term 3 Mihi

Te Reo Māori Mihi

We are learning to:
   Introduce ourselves in Te Reo Māori.
   Communicate personal information, such as our name, parents’ and grandparents’ names and home town in Te Reo Māori. 
To be successful we need to:
   Speak clearly and fluently.
   Use short simple sentences of Te Reo Māori to communicate personal information.

Click on the link below:


Inquiry Term 2

We are learning to express our understandings of change.
Teacher Instruction - With this play dough or paper, make or draw what you know about change.
Teacher Question- What have you made or drawn to show me what you know about change?

Note: The first photo has been taken at the start of the unit and the second photo has been taken in the middle of the unit.

Teacher Comment:  You understand how animals and weather can change.

Mathematics with Statistics Term 2

I am learning to
Create a tally chart on Room 21’s favourite colours. Use this and a class graph to make statements.
Success Criteria
·     Ask a question to gather information.
·     Create a tally chart correctly.
·     Make a statement on the data: For example the most popular colour or the least popular colour. 

Child Comment: Pink is the most popular colour.

Writing Term 2

I am learning to
Write an information report on the Venus Fly Trap.
Success Criteria
·     Include what it is, what it looks like, where it is found and what it does.
 Next Step: Write words I know in my writing.