Athletics Reflection 2017

2017 Athletics Reflection

Write your reflection on your participation, effort and performance in the 2017 Athletics competitions.

You could reflect on these questions.
  1. How well did I use a growth mindset to stay positive when the competition got tough?
  2. Did I manage to achieve my athletics goals and why/why not?
  3. In what ways did I represent my House well in the competition?
  4. What did I do well and how do I know?
  5. What was challenging and how do I know?
  6. What am I most proud of and why?

Start your writing here: In athletics I bet Nathan and Yasindu. In sprints I failed, I was not good at high jump, lots of others aren´t too.   I did not jump far in long jump.   I was ok in shot put and discus. I was ok in sprints I made a massive growth mindset. In sprints I achieved my goal of trying my hardest. I represented my House by trying my hardest.

Image result for sprints kidsImage result for high jump kidImage result for long jump kid

Term 4 Goals

Term 4 Learning Goal
My Learning Goal
Listen to the speaker respectfully
How am I going to achieve my goal?
List strategies that you can use to work towards achieving your goal.
Listening and look to the person talking
Ask them questions if I want more information
In  Whanau I will turn my body to face the person speaking
How will I know when I have achieved my goal?
Because I will be listening to the speaker

My Learner Qualities Goal
Be self aware  
How am I going to achieve my goal?
List strategies that you can use to work towards achieving your goal.
Getting my work finished
Knowing what I should be doing
Ask if I am not sure what I am meant to be doing
Know what goals I am working on
How will I know when I have achieved my goal?
I will know what I am doing and I will be getting more work finished on time.